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Snow showers

May 28th / Macon-Mörel: 402 km

We watched weather forecasts on different channels but, no way : all said there would be an horrible weather in the alps, with snow showers at 1400 m …Seems a bit embarrassing, because our original plan was to use Furkapass (2400 m). Let’s go and we’ll see !

Weather in cloudly on Macon, but it’s still dry. We reach Bourg en Bresse, the Ain valley and its famous Berthiand pass, and, after a few kilometers on the highway, we are in the valley between Geneva and Mont Blanc. Here I begin to worry a little because : 1- It will soon start raining, 2- Mountains are covered of snow (and I don’t talk about 3- I only have summer clothes). And, indeed, just before the climb to Chamonix, we have to wear rain suits. Meter after meter, snow appears on road side, and, arriving in Chamonix, there is a lot (and, moreover, it falls !!). Here is the moment to present you Antoine. To summarize, I would say that, in normal time, if there is a really really small risk to have rain during a weekend, bike stays in his garage. Imagine how happy he is under that snow shower !! But his moral will again fall down when he realizes that we have to climb two 1400 m passes, Montets and Forclaz. First one is really difficult, with some snow on the road. Second one is easier, and we can make a photography break when riding downhill.

Photo 1Google Earth Link : FAQ

Col de la Forclaz

Photo 2

J'aime la neige !!

We go down to Martigny and the motorcyclingly amazing Rhone valley (a 85 km straight, most of the time in cities). Mr Antoine is searching everywhere a place to wash his bike, to remove evil salt from it. My concerns are fore focused on the 2400 m Furkapass. Roadsigns seem to indicate that snow equipements are required to cross the pass, but that you can use train. But, just after Brig, I understand that pass is closed, and that equipements are required to follow the way after train. So, we decide to stop in a small city in the valley, and here is the view from our room :

Photo 3

Vue depuis l'hotel

We’ll see tomorrow how to reach Italy!